GEAR AID - Lubricating Silicone Grease

Sale price$8.00


SUP pump grease

Gear Aid Silicone Grease is specially formulated to impregnate rubber surfaces to deeply condition and lubricate them for a long time. Use it on the O-rings of your scuba gear, cameras and headlamps. It also ensures better water and dust tightness.
100% food grade silicone permeates the surface of materials to prevent oxidation and extend product life.
Use silicone grease to condition and preserve latex seals in dry suits and dry roofs.
Ideal for breathing apparatus, life jackets, hoses, cylinder O-rings, pressure systems, cameras, waterproof flashlights, medical equipment, electrical connectors, pipe fittings and anywhere resistance to moisture and degradation is desired.

Grease - gearaid

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