Idées Cadeaux - {{ SUP Montreal }}

Gift ideas

59 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 59 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 59 products
Save $150.00
RETROSPEC The Nano 8' (ENFANT) - {{ SUP Montreal }}RETROSPEC The Nano 8' (ENFANT) - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale priceFrom $299.00 Regular price$449.00
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Save $200.00
RETROSPEC The Weekender LITE 10'0 - {{ SUP Montreal }}RETROSPEC The Weekender LITE 10'0 - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$299.00 Regular price$499.00
RETROSPEC - The Weekender 10'0
NORTH - Track Surf SkateNORTH - Track Surf Skate
Sale price$259.99
NORTH - Track Surf Skate
SUP Wheels - {{ SUP Montreal }}SUP Wheels - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$239.95
SUP Wheels
CYCPLUS - Volcano battery-powered electric pump - 20 psiCYCPLUS - Volcano battery-powered electric pump - 20 psi
Save $40.00
AIRBANK- Puffer Pro Rechargeable Pump
AIRBANK- Puffer Pro Rechargeable Pump
Sale price$179.00 Regular price$219.00
AIRBANK- Puffer Pro Rechargeable Pump
 MTL B BOARD - Balance Board Penny for KidsBalance Board Penny pour Enfant - MTL B-Board - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Save $21.00
OUTDOOR MASTER - Shark II Electric Pump OUTDOOR MASTER - Shark II Electric Pump
Sale price$129.00 Regular price$150.00
OUTDOOR MASTER - Shark II Electric Pump
Save $70.00
Retrospec ZED Pintail 41'' Longboard - {{ SUP Montreal }}Retrospec ZED Pintail 41'' Longboard - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$129.00 Regular price$199.00
RETROSPEC - ZED Pintail 41" Longboard
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Sac à roulettes SUP MTL - {{ SUP Montreal }}Sac à roulettes SUP MTL - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$120.00
SUP MTL Rolling Bag
NRS - Changing bag - Quick Change Duffel 60 LNRS - Changing bag - Quick Change Duffel 60 L
PADDLECLIP - Pet Shade TentPADDLECLIP - Pet Shade Tent
Sale price$89.99
PADDLECLIP - Pet Shade Tent
RIP CURL - Double Surf Revival TowelRIP CURL - Double Surf Revival Towel
Poncho Mystic - {{ SUP Montreal }}Poncho Mystic - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$85.00
MYSTIC - Poncho
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RIP CURL - Surf Sock Double TowelRIP CURL - Surf Sock Double Towel
OUTDOOR MASTER - 21 L backpack coolerOUTDOOR MASTER - 21 L backpack cooler
Le SUP holder - Les créations Holdme - {{ SUP Montreal }}Le SUP holder - Les créations Holdme - {{ SUP Montreal }}
GODRY - Wetsuit HolderSupport pour wetsuit – GoDry - {{ SUP Montreal }}
Sale price$74.99
GODRY - Wetsuit Holder

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